We (K V RAMANA & G V RAMA PRASAD) decided to prepare ALL IN ONE, A Complete Book of Formative Assessments for the help of all Physical Science 4 Ever blog users. As a part of that book we presently prepared this for “ALL IN ONE, Formative Assessment 1’’ book. We will try to give you a complete ALL IN ONE, A Complete Book of Formative Assessments for F.A 2, F.A 3 and F.A 4. Working towards improving the children's learning through observing and recording their performance, while they are participating in teaching learning processes like project works, lab activities, slip tests, etc., is called Formative Assessment. It is used by the teacher to continuous observe children's progress in a non-formal way and in supportive environment. It gives regular descriptive feedback, rather than marks and grades, which give a chance for the students to reflect on their performance, take advice and improve upon it.
I. Syllabus for FA 4
For 8th Class Formative Assessment Syllabus as follows.
1) Force – Unit: 1
2) Friction – Unit: 2
Students should read thoroughly Force (Unit: 1) and Friction (Unit: 2). They must read the complete lesson and try to understand deeply, the concepts in each lesson. They observe the figures given in the text book and ask him some questions about figures for easy answering CCE model questions.
II. Lab Activities for10 marks
In Formative Assessment Lab Activity is an important tool. Student should participate in lab activity to perform activities which are mentioned in the text book under the title of Lab Activity. Teacher should access student in Participate in Lab Activities (Experiments) and Lab Record. Teacher should observe students when they are working individually, in groups, how they select and arrange apparatus, observations and recordings. Student should write their lab record. Lab record is 200 pages notebook and is helpful for the student to observe how they did the experiment. 6 marks are awarded for this lab record and 4 marks for performance. Items in Lab Record:
Aim : It explains why we perform the experiment.
Apparatus : Here we should mention required apparatus and materials, Chemicals.
For class 10 formative assessments have to evaluate through four measures.
1) Lab Activities (10 marks)
2) Written works ( 10 marks)
3) Project works (10 marks)
4) Slip test (20 marks)
Teacher should conduct the above four tools for every formative assessment. Let us know in detail inside pages. We very much thankful to all the viewers of our physicalscience4ever blog for giving this opportunity to help you in the view PHYSICAL SCIENCE, what we like. This book is only for
the private use. No one should use this for commercial proposes.
Srikakulam District.
For download the FA-1 ALL IN ONE click on below link
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