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9th class formative assessment-3 physical science all in one

9th class Physical science ALL IN ONE prepared by K V RAMANA & G V RAMA PRASAD, Srikakulam District.

This ALL IN ONE contains following topics
1. Syllabus for FA 3.
    For 9th Class Formative Assessment Syllabus as follows.
    1) Is matter pure? – Unit: 4
    2) Atoms and molecules – Unit: 5
    3) What is inside atom? _ Unit: 6
    Students should read thoroughly Refraction of light at curved surfaces (Unit 6),Human   eye and colourful world (Unit 7), Structure of atom (Unit 8), Classification of elements-periodic table (Unit 9) and Chemical bonding (Unit 10). They must read the complete lesson and try to understand deeply, the concepts in each lesson. They observe the figures given in the text book and ask himself some questions about figures for easy answering CCE model questions.
2. Lab Activities for10 marks.
    1) Separation of mixtures by sublimation.
    2) Separation of mixtures by evaporation of water.
    3) Paper chrometography.
    4) Identify the properties of mixtures.
    5) Law of conservation of mass.
3. Project works 10 marks.
    1) Collect information of first 20 elements in periodic table.
    2) Information of elements which named with astronomical objects.
    3) Information of elements which named with names of scientists.
    4) History of atom
4. Written Works - Note books for 10 marks.
   How to allot marks for written works - note books.
5. Slip test for 20 marks.
   Formative Assessment 3 Model Paper

9th class formative assessment-3 physical science all in one, 9th class fa3 physics all in one, 9th class physics all in one, physics fa3 syllabus, labactivities, project work, question paper , fa3 slip test

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