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10th class formative assessment-4 physical science all in one

10th class Physical science Formative assessment-4 ALL IN ONE prepared by K V RAMANA & G V RAMA PRASAD,Srikakulam District.

This ALL IN ONE contains following topics
1. Syllabus for FA 4.
   For 10th Class Formative Assessment Syllabus as follows.
   1) Electromagnetism – Unit: 12
   2) Principles of Metallurgy – Unit: 13
   3) Carbon and Its compounds – Unit: 14
   Students should read thoroughly Electromagnetism (Unit: 12), Principles of Metallurgy (Unit: 13) and Carbon and Its compounds (Unit: 14). They must read the complete lesson and try to understand deeply, the concepts in each lesion. They observe the figures given in the text book and ask himself some questions about figures for easy answering CCE model questions.
2. Lab Activities for10 marks.
   1) Verifying Ohm’s Law.
   2) Flowing Electric Current Produces Magnetic Field In a Conductor.
   3) Factors of Rusting Iron.
   4) To Observe the Hardness of Water.
3. Project works 10 marks.
   1) Working Principle of Motor - Model Making.
   2) Artificial Ripening of Fruits.
4. Written Works - Note books for 10 marks.
   1) How to allot marks for written works - note books.
5. Slip test for 20 marks.
   1) Formative Assessment 4 Model Paper

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సూచన/హెచ్చరిక: ఈ వెబ్సైట్లోని మోడల్ పేపర్స్ లేదా ఇతర సమాచారాన్ని ఇతర వెబ్ సైట్ వారు కాపీ చేసి వారి వెబ్ సైట్ పేరుతో వాటర్ మార్క్ వేసి ఉంచరాదు. వీటిని డౌన్లోడ్ చేసి సామాజిక మాధ్యమాలలో పోస్ట్ చేయరాదు.
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