Project-based learning is a student-centered pedagogy that involves a dynamic classroom approach in which it is believed that students acquire a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems.Students learn about a subject by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, challenge, or problem. It is a style of active learning and inquiry-based learning. Project Based Learning contrasts with paper-based, rote memorization, or teacher-led instruction that simply presents established facts or portrays a smooth path to knowledge by instead posing questions, problems or scenarios.
About This Book:This book provides you all the pictures in the projects of formative Assessment 1 for Class 8,9 & 10. We think this book helps to all the physical science learners. We request to all the students try to write some projects with the help of the pictures.
K.V.Ramana & G.V.
Rama Prasad
For download the above book click on below link
సూచన/హెచ్చరిక: ఈ వెబ్సైట్లోని మోడల్ పేపర్స్ లేదా ఇతర సమాచారాన్ని ఇతర వెబ్ సైట్ వారు కాపీ చేసి వారి వెబ్ సైట్ పేరుతో వాటర్ మార్క్ వేసి ఉంచరాదు. వీటిని డౌన్లోడ్ చేసి సామాజిక మాధ్యమాలలో పోస్ట్ చేయరాదు.
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