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Family Pension for AP CPS employees GO in Telugu

Family Pension GO.Ms.No;121 in telugu
PENSIONS — NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM - Contributory Pension Scheme - Extension of option of invalidation pension and family pension to the State Government employees covered by Contributory Pension Scheme (National Pension System) and their family members in case of premature exit due to invalidation / death— Orders - Issued. 
G.O.MS.No. 121                                              Dated: 18-07-2017 Read the following: 
1. G.O.Ms No.653, Finance (Pension) Department, dt. 22.09.2004 2. O.M. No.38/41/05, P&PW (A), dated 05.05.2009 of Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances &Pensions, Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare. 3. Cir. Memo No.30857/422/A1/Pen.I/2010, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated 08.03.2010. 4. G.O.Ms No.62, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated 07.03.2014. 5. The PFRDA regulations dated 11.05.2015 on Exit and Withdrawals under the NPS Regulations, 2015. 6. O.M. No.7/5/2012, P&PW(F)/B, dated 26.08.2016 of Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances &Pensions, Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare. 7. No.28/03/2016-P&PW(B), dated 10.01.2017 of Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances &Pensions, Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare. 8. G.O.Ms No.107, Finance HR.V-(Pension, GPF) Department, dated 29.06.2017. 9. Representation of the President, A.P. Secretariat Association. 10. Representation of the Chairman, JAC of Employees, Teachers, Workers Associations. 11. Representation of the Chairman, JAC of Employees, Teachers, Workers and Retired employees Associations (AP JAC, Amaravati).
In the G.O. 1St read above, the Government introduced Contributory Pension Scheme with effect from 01.09.2004 to all State Government employees who were recruited on or after 01.09.2004. The A.P. Revised Pension Rules, 1980 are not applicable to the employees covered by the Contributory Pension Scheme.
2. In the reference 2' read above, the Government of India has allowed certain additional benefits on provisional basis subject to the condition that the funds accumulated in the NPS account should be adjusted against the payments made under CCS Pension Rules, 1972, until further orders. These benefits are:

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GO.Ms.No:121 in telugu

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