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A Complete Book of Formative Assessment 2 for Class X (T M)

1. Syllabus for FA 2.
2. Lab Activities for10 marks.
     1) Classify the liquids as acids, bases and neutral solutions.
     2) Identify the acid and base by olfactory indicators
     3) Reaction of acids with metals.
     4) Testing substances by pH paper.
     5)Acids produce Hydrogen ions in solutions.
     6) Relation between angle of incidence and angle of refraction.
3. Project works 10 marks.
     1) Collect information about acid and base indicators.
     2) Make an indicator using Hibiscus petals.
     3) Common acids and bases used in our daily life.
     4) Importance of pll in everyday life.
     5) Uses of plaster of Paris.
     6) Hazards of Plaster of Paris.
     7) Collect information of refractive indices of some material.
     8) Applications of total internal reflection.
4. Written Works - Note books for 10 marks.
     1) How to allot marks for written works - note books.
5. Slip test for 20 marks.
     1) Formative Assessment 2 Model Paper
➤We decided to prepare ALL IN ONE, A Complete Book of Formative Assessment for the help of all Physical Science 4 Ever blog users. As a part, we prepared this for "ALL IN ONE, Formative Assessment 2" book. Working towards improving the children's learning through observing and recording their performance, while they are participating in teaching learning processes like project works, lab activities, slip tests, etc., is called Formative Assessment. It is used by the teacher to continuous observe children's progress in a non-formal way and in supportive environment. It gives regular descriptive feedback, rather than marks and grades which give a chance for the students to reflect on their performance,take device and improve up on it. For class 10 formative assessments have to evaluate through four measures.
1) Lab Activities (10 marks) 
2) Written works ( 10 marks)
3) Project works (10 marks) 
4) Slip test (20 marks)
We very much thankful to all the viewers of our physicalscience4ever blog for giving this opportunity to help you in the view PHYSICAL SCIENCE, what we like. This book is only for the private use. No one should use this for commercial proposes.
                                                                                               K V RAMANA & G V RAMA PRASAD,
                                                                                                                     Srikakulam District.
                                                                                                                8008423323 & 7799884
For download FA2 all in one click on below link

all in one for 10th class physics, formative assessment-2 physics all in one, fa2 physics all in one, 10th class  physics all in one
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