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Teachers’ Day of India: 5th September
          A good teacher has greater influence in shaping the life of an individual even more than his/her parents. In our country’s culture, a teacher has been given a place above the almighty god. A good teacher’s proper guidance and support is very important in achieving one’s goal in life. Every successful individual always remembers the constructive role played by his/her teacher in their school-college days.Teachers do not just endow us with new knowledge. Good teachers will also act as role models for us, believe in us and encourage us to pursue our dreams.One of the oldest and the most respected professions in the world is that of teaching. It is therefore not surprising that there is a special day to celebrate the teachers.The word education means literally ‘to draw out’ in Latin and this reflects the fact that a great teacher will draw out our hidden talents and nurture our strengths. It is likely that if we had an inspirational teacher when we were growing up, we will remember them all our life.

         A teacher plays great role in the student’s lives. Teachers are the real shapers of future of the students which can never be ignored. Teachers make their own lesson plan to make education more effective and interesting as well as facilitate students learning. Here we have listed some effective, inspiring, motivational and interesting quotes and quotations about teachers said by the famous and popular personalities all over the world. You can use such quotes to wish your teachers on their birthdays, teachers day or other special occasions.
         A teacher’s job is sometimes a thankless job; a teacher works in most honest way while performing his/ her duties towards shaping the careers of students, also apart from academics, other personal or extra-curricular activities of students are taken care of by him. A student can rely on his/her teacher for guidance on each and every aspect of his/her life; and a good teacher never disappoints his pupils.
          Teachers’ Day is celebrated every year on 5th of September to honor and acknowledge the contribution made by countless numbers of teachers in helping and molding the careers of lakhs of students and in turn shaping the destiny of India.

             The day was marked for the celebration as Teachers’ Day since 1962 in respect and deference of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was born on 5th September, 1888. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a great scholar, philosopher and teacher of modern India and was awarded the Bharat Ratna in 1954. He became the first Vice President of India (from 1952 to 1962) and the second President of India (from 1962 to 1967). It was his wish that instead of celebrating his birthday on 5th of September every year, it would be better to celebrate it as Teachers’ Day all over India.
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