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AP D.El.Ed., / D.Ed.,1st year text books

AP-D.El.Ed-1st year Text books

        The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) Andhra Pradesh are newly developed D.El.Ed text books from 2015-16 Batch. This book is useful for D.El.Ed students, TET and DSC aspirants.
     The purpose of these courses is to equip the student-teacher with the background knowledge that she needs to develop an understanding of the elementary school child and his/her socio-cultural contexts. This background includes a critical engagement with theories, as well as socio-cultural issues in the world of children and childhood. Building upon the above, the aim is to build sensitivity towards children?s developmental needs and capabilities, within their socio-cultural context.

There are 6 papers in D.El.Ed I year. Titles of the papers as follows
Download...AP D.El.Ed-Paper-I - Childhood, Child Development  and Learning
Download...AP D.El.Ed-Paper-II - Society, Education and Curriculum
Download...AP D.El.Ed-Paper-III - Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
Download...AP D.El.Ed-Paper-IV-Pedagogy of mother tongue Telugu at primary level
Download...AP D.El.Ed-Paper-V - Pedagogy of Mathematics at primary level
Download...AP D.El.Ed-Paper-VI-Pedagogy across curriculum and ICT integration
Childhood, Child Development and Learning-text book, D.El.Ed-Paper-I, deled 1styear paper1 text book, deled 1st year text books,andhra pradesh deled paper-1 text book, andhrapradesh ded text books, andhrapradesh government text books,Paper-II - Society, Education and Curriculum, Paper-III - Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), Paper-IV-Pedagogy of mother tongue Telugu at primary level, Paper-V - Pedagogy of Mathematics at primary level, Paper-VI-Pedagogy across curriculum and ICT integration


  1. D.el.ed study materials in Telugu language pdf upload cheyandi please

  2. could you upload telangana state D.El.Ed course (I&II) year pdf books

  3. Please upload the old question papers...plz...plz...

    1. Hi, You can search with word 'D.El.Ed Question' in our website. or You can go to folder 'D.El.Ed/B.Ed/TED/DSC' folder in our website. And we will upload as much as we get in future. Thank You.

  4. Could you upload d el ed 1st year english medium text books


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