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AP D.El.Ed 2nd year 2016-18 Batch Final Practical Exam Scheduled Dates

AP DELEd/DEd Second Year 2016-18 Batch Conducting Final Practical Exam Scheduled Dates 

AP Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Amaravathi conduct of Final Lesson Practicals to D.ELEd. 2nd year students of 2016-18 Batch as per Rc. No.20/C1/2018- Dt: 04107/2018.
In continuation of this office proceedings cited, all the principals of Government DIETs in the state are here by informed that the final lesson practicals for 2016-18 batch of D.ELEd., 2nd year trainees will be commenced from 11/07/2018.
The practicals will be conducted in two spells and the detailed schedule will be issued within a day or two.

Therefore, all the principals of Government DIETs are requested to inform the managements of private D.Ed., colleges in their districts concerned about the commencement of practical examinations and to instruct them to furnish the faculty list and to keep all the faculty members of their institutions available from 11/07/2018 till completion of practical examinations. The managements may be warned of stern action against them if they fail to provide the faculty for practical examinations as per the approved staff lists furnished by the managements to the SCERT.

AP DELEd/DEd Second Year 2016-18 Batch Conducting Final Practical Scheduled Dates ,AP DELEd Second Year 2016-18 Batch Conducting Final Practical Scheduled Dates .deled second year 2016-2018 final practicals scheduled dates,AP DEd 2nd year 2016-18 Batch Final Practical Exam Scheduled Dates
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