An eligible service of at least ten years as a regular employee on any post of the State Government is compulsory for being eligible for pension. Service prior to the age of 20 years is not considered eligible for pension. With effect from 01-01-2006, eligible service of 20 years instead of 33 years is compulsory for eligibility of full pension. The calculation of eligible service is done by converting into six-month segments. 03 months is considered 01 six-month segment and 09 months is considered 02 six-month segments.
With effect from 01-01-2006, pension is calculated on the basis of the average salary in the last ten months of eligible service on the date of the retirement, or the last basic pay on the date of retirement, whichever is beneficial to the employee. If the duration of the eligible service is less, then pension will be reduced in that proportion. Regular and eligible service of 10 years is compulsory for pension eligibility.
In case of eligible service being less than 10 years and more than 05 years, gratuity is applicable.
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