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10TH CLASS SOCIAL SADHANA STUDY MATERIAL PREPARED BY Sri. S Naga Mallikarjuna, M.A.,M.Ed,Sri. A Malyadri, M.A., M.Ed,NellorSri. K Nagaraju, M.A., B.Ed,Smt. V Praveena, M.A., B.Ed,Sri. K. Suresh, M.A., B.Ed,Sri. B. Kondaiah, M.A., B.Ed.

Some high school teachers or college professors may compose study materials for their students to assist them with reading comprehension, content knowledge, or preparation for an examination. These study guides may be issued as an assignment to be completed or as a comprehensive selection of material assembled by the teacher.
Study material is nothing but guide material.It will have direct questions and answers.It will be very usefull for the students to learn easily with out going through the text book.

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