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Pensions- Restoration of All the Family Pensions Sanctioned Under G.O.315 – Check The Circular Memo Details Here


Pensions- Restoration of All the Family Pensions Sanctioned Under G.O.315 – Check The Circular Memo Details Here

Cir. Memo No. D4/1623738/2022 Dt. 22/01/2022

Sub: P.S.- T & A Dept.- Pensions- Restoration of all the family pensions sanctioned under G.O.315 but stopped as per the instructions of G.O.Ms.No. 152 Finance (Pensions) Dept. dated 25-11-2019 and Govt. Memo dated 17-08-2020, on par with the pensioners who have approached the Hon'ble APHC - Instructions- Issued.


1. G.O Ms No 315 Fin (PenI)Dept Dated 07-10-2010.

2. G.O Ms No 152 Fin (HR III-Pension) Dept Dated 25-11-2019

3. G.M No 1074035/Fin 01 HROMISC/3/2020 HR III Dt 17-08-2020

4. G.M No.245804/Fin/HR.III/-Pen.GPF/2021, Dt 17-12-2021


Attention of all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the state is invited to the subject and references cited. They are well aware that, in view of the instructions issued in the reference 4th cited, family pension sanctioned under G.O 1st cited and stopped as per the orders issued in the references 2nd & 3rd cited was restored to the pensioners who have approached the Hon'ble APHC and got orders in favour of them from the month of Nov, 2021 and 1st instalment of arrears along with interest from the month of Dec, 2021.

 In continuation of the said orders, all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the state are hereby instructed to restore all the family pensions sanctioned under G.O 1st cited and stopped as per the orders issued in the references 2nd & 3rd cited leaving the pensioners whose F.P was already restored and make payment of F.P to them for the M/o Dec 2021 by 24-01-2022 and the arrears shall be paid in 6 equal instalments commencing from the regular pension of Jan, 2022 which will be paid in Feb, 2022.

 All the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the state are therefore requested to take immediate action on this issue on Top Priority and report compliance by the evening of 24-01-2022 with Bill I.D Nos






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