TS: SA II - Revised Time Table for
Summative Assessment-Il for classes I to IX
Rc.No. 7002/A/EVL/SCERT/TS/2016,
Sub: School Education Department -
Communication of Revised Time Table for Summative Assessment-Il for classes I
to IX for the academic year 2021-22 - Reg.
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.17 SE (PE.Prog.II)
Dept. Dt:14.05.2014.
2. G.O.Ms.No.02 SE (PE.Prog.II) Dept.
3. Govt. Memo No.5536/SE.Prog.11/21/2020
School Education (Prog.ll) Department dt.03.09.2021.
4. Govt. Memo No.6339/SE.Prog.11/A1/2021
School Education (Prog.ll) Department dt.11.10.2021.
5. This office Proc. Rc.No.7002/A/EVL/SCERT/TS/2016,
The attention of all the District
Educational Officers in the State is invited to the references read above and
they are informed that, the Summative Assessment (SA)-11 for classes I to IX
which was scheduled from 07.04.2022 to 16.04.2022 is re-scheduled and now it
shall be conducted from 16.04.2022 to 22.04.2022. Further, the Government
accorded permission vide reference 4' cited to follow the syllabus as was
prescribed in the previous academic year 2020-21 for the current academic year,
i.e., 2021-22
The revised timetable is as follows:
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