MBNN - Ceilings for Certain Materials
and Labour Charges for Phase - II
Cir. Memo. No.1679742/22-23/Mana Badi
Nadu Nedu, Dated: 29/06/2022
Sub:- School Education dept - Mana Badi Nadu Nedu - Ceilings for Certain Materials and Labour Charges for Phase - II - Issued - Regarding
In the circular vide reference 4thcited
above, suggested rates for purchase of material and labour charges were
communicated. The rates
should be followed by the parents
committees while making local purchases or purchases made by the District level
tender committee.
In continuation of the circular
instructions earlier vide ref 4th cited the following suggested rates are
communicated herewith. In case of wide variations between suggested rates and
the prevailing market rates, the District Level Tender Committee headed by the
Joint Collector can revise the rates.
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