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AP - SALT - Teach Tool - Classroom Observations 2023-24 – Proceedings & Action Plan


AP - SALT - Teach Tool - Classroom Observations 2023-24 – Proceedings & Action Plan


Rc.No.SS-15021/15/2022-SAMO-SSA, Dated:- 06/11/2023

Sub:- School Education, AP – Samagra Shiksha - Supporting Andhra’s - Learning Transformation (SALT) - Teach Tool classroom observations for the academic year 2023-24– instructions – Issued.

Ref:- 1. Procgs.Rc.No.ESE02/173/2022-SCERT, dt.28/06/2022 of this office.

2. Procgs.Rc.No.ESE02/547/2022-SCERT, dt.22/07/2022 of this office.

3. Procgs.Rc.No.ESE02-22/53/2022-SCERT, dt.19/11/2022 of this office.

4. Procgs.Rc.No.ESE02-22/53/2022-SAMO-SSA, dt.03/02/2022 of this office.

The District Educational Officers and the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are aware that the Department of School Education, in collaboration with the World Bank, is implementing the Supporting Andhra’s Learning Transformation (SALT) program to enhance the quality of education. One of the key goals of SALT is to improve teaching practices, which will be evaluated using the standardized classroom observation tool known as the TEACH Tool. This initiative aims to provide consistent classroom support to teachers through trained mentors using the TEACH tool. The Teach Tool implementation started in the academic year 2022-23.

In the previous academic year, a mobile application was developed to facilitate classroom observations. SCERT has trained 6600 observers on the TEACH tool in two phases, including Cluster Reserved Mobile Teachers, Upper Primary HMs, High School HMs, and Complex HMs. These observers underwent a rigorous 9-day training program followed by an examination that certifed them as TEACH tool observers. Last year, 48,000 observations were  conducted based on an initial baseline of 10,000 teachers.

The mapping of teachers to the observers across the State in the Teach Tool app has been completed for the second year of implementation. An online orientation is scheduled on November 7th, 2023 from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm to sensitize the observers. The detailed timeline is as follows: 

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers and the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are requested to communicate the enclosed guidelines to all schools in their respective districts to facilitate the implementation of the Teach Tool during the academic year 2023-24 for conducting classroom observations.

Encls: - Action plan for Tech Tool classroom observations- 2023-24





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