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MDM - Dokka Seethamma Madhyhna Badi Bhojanam – Revised Saturday Meal Menu – Proceedings


MDM - Dokka Seethamma Madhyhna Badi Bhojanam – Revised Saturday Meal Menu – Proceedings


Proc.Rc.ESE02-27021/1/2025-MDM-CSE Dated:#Approved Date#

Sub: School Education Department - Dokka Seethamma Madhyhna Badi Bhojanam (MDM) – Revision of Saturday Mid Day Meal Menu – Certain instructions issued - Regarding.

Read: 1. D.O.No.9-9/2023-PMP-4, Dated:29.11.2023 of the Joint Secretary to GoI, MHRD, Dept. of School Education &Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi.

2. Minutes of the PAB meeting of GoI dt.20-04-2024.

3. G.O.Ms.No.40, Dated:31-12-2024.

4. Oral Instructions of the Director, MDM & SS



All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education & District Educational Officers of School Education Department and Regional Joint Directors of Intermediate Education & District Vocation Educational Officers of Intermediate Education Department in the State are here by informed that the Government has decided to revise the current Saturday menu.

The revised Saturday menu to be followed with immediate effect is mentioned below.

Therefore, you are requested to issue necessary instructions to all field functionaries including NGOs of Centralized kitchens to follow the Saturday menu as mentioned above with immediate effect.




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